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Who Can Vote

Who Can Vote in the 2024
R.V. of Pebble Baye General Election.

Must be both (a) and (b) below

(a) a Canadian citizen;

(b) at least 18 years of age;

Must be one of (i), (ii) or (iii) below

(i) has resided in the resort village, or on land now in the resort village, for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the day of the election,

(ii) is the assessed person with respect to property in the resort village, for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the day of the election, or property now situated in the resort village, pursuant to section 207 of The Municipalities Act for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the day of the election; or

(iii) is the spouse of a person mentioned in subclause (i) or (ii).

Identification need to be presented to vote is One of the following;

  • Gov’t-issued ID with photo, name and address.
  • 2 non-photo pieces of ID, both showing name and one must show address.
  • A qualified voter vouches for another voter with no ID. Form B must be completed


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