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Thank You

I would like to publicly thank all of the Candidates who let their names stand in the 2024 R.V. of Pebble Baye election.

I have been involved in our democratic system for many years as administrator and holding public office.  And it is a system I strongly believe in.  It is not perfect but is still a good system that we can improve together.

My admiration for the men and woman who made and are making sacrifices so we have and continue to have our democracy was made stronger when visiting the War Museum in Ottawa.  There was a replica of the World War 2 trenches in Sicily.  It described the horrid conditions faced by the soldiers.  Their lack of water and supplies.  The unsanitary conditions that led to dysentery, hordes of flies and this in plus 100f temperatures.  When walking through the display there were the sounds of war, sound of hoards of flies. They even shared the heat.  But thankfully we were spared the stench that would have accompanied these conditions.  Close your eyes for a moment and imagine these conditions.   I can’t comprehend how being stuck there with no way out would have made them feel.  I want to thank you for honoring the sacrifices made by our military men and women so we may have the opportunities we have.

You should be proud of yourselves for being part of the election process.


Terry Lofstrom


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